New video produced on whale watching guidelines in Niue

A documentary has been produced outlining guidelines on whale watching in Niue.
President of Non profit organization TOFIA NIUE Coral Pasisi said this is part of the Niue’s Ocean Wide( NOW) project which focuses on efforts to secure large scale marine protected area, to better manage resources in a sustainable way with whales being a key focus for marine life.
Generally from July to October each year Humpback whales arrive in Niue’s waters to nurse their young.
A major tourist attraction in Niue , as one of only a handful of places in the world where you are allowed to swim with the whales.
This video provides guidelines for the general public, tourism operators, fishermen and canoeists on whale watching.
Niue Ocean Wide Project Manager Brendon Pasisi said the video is an effective way of raising awareness compared to written guidelines adding it also promotes Niue, showcasing its pristine environment.