New crane to boost wharf operations

A new crane has been installed at the Sir Roberts Wharf.
A small gathering took place at the Sir Roberts Wharf last Thursday to acknowledge and bless the installation of the new crane.
On behalf of the Niue Government the Minister of Infrastructure Hon.
Dalton Tagelagi thanked the team of engineers led by Ian McGee from New Zealand and his two technicians who came especially to assemble the Crane here in Niue.
Ian McGee said that these cranes are usually transported around the world fully assembled. In this instance, Niue presented unique challenges which required extraordinary efforts and work with Matson’s shipping company to get the parts to Niue. According to Ian McGee this undertaking presented unique challenges as it is unusual to deliver a crane of this size in parts and then assemble on location.
Minister Tagelagi acknowledged the New Zealand government for their support in securing this crane for Niue which will boost the capacity of the wharf operations to cater for much larger containers. Niue will now be able to lift 40 foot containers now that this crane is available. The ceremony was blessed by the Vice president of the Ekalesia Niue Rev. Nuka Tauevihi.