Niue’s hospitality sector learns from NZ Master chef

Niue’s hospitality sector got to hear firsthand from a renowned master chef.
Chef Ray McVinnie highlighted key success points in a masterclass held at the Scenic Matavai Resort yesterday.
Ray McVinnie is currently in high demand as a consultant to restaurants in NZ.
With his experience, it comes as no surprise. Masterchef Ray McVinnie is a Food writer and advisor for Cuisine magazine, a celebrity judge on Masterchef NZ, food columnist in the Sunday Star Times, Sunday Magazine and Bite Magazine.
12 local representatives from the hospitality sector had the opportunity to learn from the master chefs experiences and ask him questions.
One success point he explained was that of “experience” and how it could alleviate further foot traffic to one’s business leaving their customers wanting to return.
The Success in Hospitality workshop has been organized by Niue’s Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with Scenic Matavai Resort designed from a chefs’ perspective covering concept, menu design, costings, training, kitchen systems and marketing.
The next workshop is this Thursday March 28th 2019.