High court hears Liloau injunction application
An application from two original landowners of the Liloau school grounds was heard before Judge Sarah Reeves in the Niue High Court last week.

An application from two original landowners of the Liloau school grounds was heard before Judge Sarah Reeves in the Niue High Court last week.
The application was for an injunction on the Governments European Union funded project at Liolau on the grounds that there has been no consultation with the village community of Avatele.
The applicants asked the court to ensure that the Government respect the court ruling of July 2011 that any undertaking planned for the Liolau grounds must be for the benefit of the community.
The applicants also asked the Court to ensure that the governing and decision making body of the project include members of the Avatele village including representatives of the original landowners of Liolau.
The court ruled that the Government call a meeting at Avatele and to consult the village on this project and to include the original landowners and the village representatives on the decision making board of the project.
The court has given the Government until the next hearing of the High court in November where the matter will be heard again.