50th Commemoration will go as planned despite bad weather this morning
The scheduled event will now take place at 1pm as memebers of the public alongside invited guest are kindly reminded to be seated by 11:30am-12pm
The scheduled event will now take place at 1pm as memebers of the public alongside invited guest are kindly reminded to be seated by 11:30am-12pm
Discussions centered on disinformation and factual news pieces, the impact of social media and the trust that the public has with news outlets.
Chapman told BCN News that they are always looking for workers because while some of their staff are experienced and well qualified, there is a gap between them and the very junior staff.
She emphasizes on the importance of safe hygiene practices of washing your hand when you cough, wearing a mask when you’re coughing and if you’re feeling unwell do come see a doctor.
Teachers on the island celebrated Teachers Day last Friday at the Niue High School hall with the theme “Valuing Teachers voice towards a new social contract for Education”
The Manawanui was scheduled to visit Niue next week for the constitution celebrations.
According to a Media Release by Auckland University, the Niue Research Symposium aims to establish a network of professionals and academic students.
It’s a time to celebrate together, these were the words of Sauni Puheke when asked about what this month’s 50th Anniversary celebration means to him.
The workshop is a build up to this month’s fashion show for the 50th Anniversary Celebration that will be held on Tuesday-October 15th
Decoder keys for Joymeters are now available at the Niue Public Service building until Wednesday-October 9th