Eight Medivac reported on Department of Health’s Annual Report
According to the Department of Health’s recently released Annual Report from 1st July, 2022 to 30th June, 2023, the total number for Medical Evacuation (Medivac) for this period was 8

According to the Department of Health’s recently released Annual Report from 1st July, 2022 to 30th June, 2023, the total number for Medical Evacuation (Medivac) for this period was 8. 6 females and 2 males were evacuated during this period.
An estimated cost of each medivac is about $70, 000 with a total cost spent on 8 Medivacs last year was about $560, 000.
The report states due to not many medical specialists visiting the island during this period, the very sick especially the multiple comorbidity patients were left too late, hence medivacs were activated and actioned.
For the period from 2021-2022, there were also 8 Medivacs but this number dropped to 4 from the period of 2020-2021.
Former Director of Health and Chief Medical officer-Dr. Eddie Akauola says financial and workforce assistance are required from health donors and philanthropic organizations from overseas are always sought after.
Dr Akauola added in-country partnerships between government and private sector are also crucial for the health services to bring about change, improvement, and economic development.
The Health Departments Annual Report for 2022-2023 was tabled at the Fono Ekepule last week by Minister of Health Hon. Sonya Talagi.