Communities asked to be mindful of major road works

China road works update as of 5:15 PM yesterday afternoon.
The China Railway First Group is working on the roads within Tamakautoga village heading to Alofi bottom road today. They are continuing with laying the slurry seal on the whole road.
The new road surface is strictly closed for any vehicles to drive on.
However, despite notices being distributed to village councils and communities through social media, there are still some members of the community who are unaware of the major road works that are currently taking place.
Director of the Department of Utilities Clinton Chapman commented on last week’s issues where vehicles had driven on the new seal at the roads in Avatele causing damage to the freshly laid seal.
Due to these issues, the China road contractors had to re-seal the road last week and this week pending good weather.
Clinton says he is aware that all members of the community would get the notices on the road works but they are continuously seeking the support and cooperation of everyone to let your village, families and friends know about the road works notices.
“For villages that we can do half the road first and the other half later, we are asking people to park on the other side of the road before the work starts so that you can walk across the road and access your vehicle and go where you need to go.”
“For some roads we just can’t do it by half because the roads are pretty narrow in some areas.”
Road signs and traffic control will be in place. Roads will be closed from 8am sealing day to 5pm the following day.
Road users are asked to please slow down, use alternative routes, or avoid the area.
For more information or have any concerns regarding the road works, contact the Department of Utilities at their phone number 4297 or 4644.