Premier Dalton Tagelagi retains the premiership, Douglas returns as Speaker at the opening of the 18th Niue Legislative Assembly

The 18th Niue Assembly

Dalton Emani Makamau Tagelagi retains his premiership in a 16 – 4 vote against challenger O’love Tauveve Jacobsen.

Speaker Hima Douglas was nominated unopposed to retain the speakership, after which he proceeded to swear in the twenty members.

The opening of the 18th Niue Assembly was held today at 10am where the twenty representatives from the fourteen villages and the six representatives of the Common Roll took their oath of allegiance to the Head of State King Charles III and to serve the government and the people of Niue for the next three years as members of the Fono Ekepule.

Today the twenty members were permitted to invite two guests to sit behind them inside Chambers and with a packed public gallery with some standing to witness the members take their oath.

In alphabetical order, starting with Mrs Esa Mona Sharon Ainuu they each took their oath most used the Vagahau Niue. Premier Dalton Tagelagi and Hon. O’love Jacobsen took their oath in English.

34 year old Rhonda Tiakia-Tomailuga takes her oath as the first female representative of the village of Lakepa

After taking the oath, the member is escorted to sign their name on the registry of members of the Fono Ekepule and to accept their Warrant of Appointment from the Clerk of Assembly Ms Cherie Morris-Tafatu.

In her concession speech, O’love Jacobsen congratulated Premier Tagelagi and vouched support for his leadership and government but reminded the premier, that she will maintain the level of scrutiny expected of the members of the Fono Ekepule to hold the government account.

Hon. O’love Jacobsen delivers her concession speech after losing the vote for the premiership 16-4

Premier Tagelagi told BCN News today that he will start discussions with a few senior members of the Fono tomorrow to select his Cabinet, after which Speaker Douglas will swear in the ministers before they will decide when next week the State Opening of the 18th Assembly will take place.

At the State Opening, the eight new members will be given the opportunity to deliver their maiden speech and it will also be the opportunity for Premier Dalton Tagelagi to address the nation in his first speech as the Premier of Niue of the 18th Niue Fono Ekepule.

Here are a few pictures taken at today’s opening of the 18th Fono Ekepule.

Premier Dalton Tagelagi addresses the Assembly and the packed Chambers and gallery after taking the oath as the Premier of Niue in his second term
Mrs Nesa Vakanofiti leaves the Fono Ekepule Chambers after witnessing her son Pita Poimamao Vakanofiti take his oath as the representative for Avatele
Ian Hipa, representative of Hikutavake with his wife Emi and their family after the ceremony
Premier Tagelagi, his wife Tanya with new Common Roll member Sinahemana Hekau and her family, her mother and brothers. Her mother Maihetoe Hekau is a former Common Roll member.

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