Tongakilo-Rhys Toeono Tohovaka is Niue High School Dux 2022

Tongakilo-Rhys Toeono Tohovaka NHS Dux 2022 with Lester Rigamoto (2nd) and Jusal Mokoia (3rd)
The top academic and all-rounder student at Niue High school this year is Tongakilo-Rhys Toeono Tohovaka from Hakupu/Makefu awarded the Dux of 2022.
The Dux is awarded to the best academic student of the graduating class. In second place is Lester Rigamoto from Avatele and Head Girl Jusal Mokoia from Alofi/Lakepa is in third place.
Tongakilo-Rhys also won the All-Rounder Prize which recognises the students’ excellent abilities, inside the classroom, in the sporting field, and in leadership.
The Niue High school Head Boy for 2022, Tongakilo-Rhys told BCN News that he credits his achievements to his family, his parents and his paternal grandmother Samoa Tongakilo who is the former Niue High School Head Mistress and Principal and his grandmother and families in New Zealand and Australia.
He thanked Principal Charles Ioane, Deputy Principal Moira Jackson, teachers, and staff of Niue High school for the seven years he spent at Niue High School. During his valedictorian speech, Rhys said that he didn’t like Prize Giving days in the first few years at High School, because he didn’t get any prizes, but in Year 10, he started to see the results of his improved efforts motivating him to achieve better results.
Tongakilo-Rhys is the son of Shane Tohovaka and Natasha Toeono Tohovaka of Hakupu, making this a memorable year for the village of Hakupu, the home of the two Dux recipients of 2022, with Primary School Dux Tiah’Ola Jackson also from Hakupu.

A crowd of friends, family and former students of Niue High school descended on Tongakilo-Rhys after the announcement, placing garlands of flowers, money, and lollies and congratulating him, including two former Dux recipients Kyra Poihega (Dux 2021) and Januel Rollarata (Dux 2020).
Tongakilo-Rhys told BCN News that he is interested in pursuing tertiary studies in either environmental science or electrical engineering but he has a few more weeks to think about it, before confirming his course of study.