Quarantine Free Travel between Niue and New Zealand: What you need to know
This Explainer provides the latest information on what you need to know about the Quarantine Free Travel arrangement to Niue.
The information contained is from an official press release from the Niue government received today May 3.
When will QFT start?
QFT means passengers traveling to Niue from Auckland on Monday 27th June (Niue) Tuesday 28th June (NZ) will not be required to isolate or quarantine.
QFT to Niue applies to those who meet the normal immigration requirements which include pre-departure testing for Covid 19.
All travellers arriving in Niue will be required to undertake a Covid-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test and return a negative result before approval to travel to Niue.
Leading up to the QFT in June, there is a transition period this month with the loosening of the travel restrictions for the fortnightly flights.
Seven days of home isolation in the month of May
Since yesterday’s flight passengers are now isolated at their homes upon arrival for seven days.
This month will see a gradual increase in the number of passengers permitted to travel to Niue. On the next flight on May 16th, sixty passengers will be permitted. On May 30th the number of passengers permitted will increase to 75 and will continue to self-isolate at their homes for seven days.
The first flight in June on the 13th will allow for 80 passengers and again to self-isolate for 7 days.
Commencement of weekly flights on June 27th
There will be no restrictions on the number of passengers to Niue and the commencement of the weekly flights will also start on the 27th June.
Vaccinations and Travel Insurance Required
The Niue Government announced today that entry into Niue requires all travellers to be fully vaccinated and better still boosted.
Travel Insurance is also a requirement for non-Niue residents traveling to Niue.
For more information visit www.covid19.nu