The late Sir Toke Talagi will be laid to rest on Monday, July 27th

The late Sir Toke Talagi will be laid to rest on Monday July 27th upon the completion of the family’s 14 days mandatory quarantine.
The Talagi family returned to the island on Sunday July 12th on a private chartered flight with Sir Toke Talagi and has confirmed to BCN News that upon the lifting of the isolation restrictions on Sunday, 26th July, the family will hold the alaala (traditional wake) that evening at their home in Fonuakula.
The late Sir Toke Talagi will then be laid to rest on Monday 27th July.
The family states that it has been agreed that an evening prayer shall be held at their home every evening at 6pm until their isolation is completed. They have accepted the kind offer from Ekalesia Niue, that a different pastor shall host these prayers each evening.
The Talagi family has also expressed their gratitude to family, friends, and the people of Niue for their support and tributes.
“Thank you all for your kind words of comfort, prayers, tributes, photos and memories shared of our wonderful father. We are also grateful for the guidance and support from Hon Billy Talagi and Misiata Tasmania who are helping us to facilitate our arrangements, as well as our many families and friends who are supporting us through this time due to COVID19 restrictions.”