Niue will begin testing going LIVE with the Manatua cable by June-end

Niue will begin testing going live with the Manatua cable towards the end of this month.
This has been confirmed by Telecom Niue CEO Brett Collier who says they are currently awaiting final testing to be completed by other Pacific island countries on the 10th June 2020 and then the date for launching will be known.
“The cable is on target with original expectations with CoVid 19 having a minimal effect on the delivery timetable. This is mainly due to Niue Team completing there portion of the build ahead of schedule, ” said Collier
The project started some 3 years ago. Niue’s Manatua cable is being funded by the NZ Government to the tune of $7 million.
The project will connect four Pacific countries, Samoa, Niue, Cook Islands, and French Polynesia.
The costing for internet services for consumers Collier says is still yet to be finalized.
“The packages will be not changing initially. New programs that are being considered but not finalized, is reduced streaming costs and Social Media packages. “
Packages will be not changing initially adding that the new programs that are being considered are reduced streaming costs and social media packages.