Polling stations will open from 9.00 am Saturday, May 30th

Registered voters can cast their votes as early as 9.00 am tomorrow when the polling stations open and will conclude at 6.00 pm.
Chief Electoral Officer Dareen Tohovaka states that all devices which can be used to record audio or digital, video images are not permitted inside the Polling Station.
Tohovaka states that it is important to ensure that the secrecy of the vote and the identity of those voters who exercise their right to vote is protected and maintained.
A list of village polling stations has been published by the Justice Department.
Village Polling Stations :
Alofi South Aliutu Community Hall
Tamakautoga Tamakautoga Community Hall
Avatele Accommodation block Liolau
Vaiea Ekalesia Vaiea Hall
Hakupu Tuatea Community Hall
Liku Ekalesia Liku Hall
Lakepa Lakepa Community Hall
Mutalau Salim Community Hall
Toi Toi Community Hall
Hikutavake Marque at Hikutavake
Namukulu Ekalesia Namukulu Hall
Tuapa Falepipi Community Hall
Makefu Ekalesia Makefu Hall
Alofi North Alofi North Community Hall