Travel advisory issued to mitigate against the risk of the introduction of Coronavirus

In light of the current Novel Coronavirus outbreak, Cabinet has endorsed a travel advisory to mitigate against the risk of the introduction of coronavirus (2019-nCoV) into Niue.
The Travel advisory states:
All travelers who have been in or traveled to China within 30 days prior to arriving in Niue, must spend no less than 14 days in a country free from Coronavirus and must acquire an official medical clearance which must be undertaken within 3 days prior to arrival in Niue. Failure to do so will result in refusal of entry in Niue, pursuant to the Niue Immigration Act 2011.
Cancellation of all Niue government travel to and from China and other countries where confirmed cases of CoV is present.
If the travel to an affected country was undertaken in contravention to this notice, the traveler will be subject to the conditions previously mentioned upon returning. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action from the Niue Public Service Commission.
All travelers who are residents of Niue:
Are strongly advised against travel to , or transiting through China. However, if travel to or transiting through China cannot be avoided, traveling returning to Niue will be subject to the conditions set in section 1 or upon arrival will be asked to undergo self – quarantine for a period of no less than 14 days.
Travelers who are residents of Niue are also being asked to postpone travel plans to any other country where cases of CoV have been confirmed.
the public is also being advised to take preventative measures.
The Health department states everybody should follow the basic principles of hygiene and cough etiquette to reduce the risk of getting an acute respiratory infection or passing it onto others.
This includes:
regularly washing hands (for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap and dry thoroughly) covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze
Staying home if you are sick avoiding close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms
If you feel unwell you should avoid public gatherings and events.
The Health department states the need for the Travel Advisory stems from a concern for the health of the resident population of Niue, which is less than 2,000.
The rapid spread of the disease in other countries is a concern. There are vulnerable individuals in the population, who would be greatly affected by the coronavirus if it were to be introduced into Niue.
It is highly possible to overwhelm national resources, should complications arise as a result of the coronavirus because we do not have adequate health facilities to address these issues.