Over $14M estimated direct economic impact by visitors to Niue

A total of $14, 280,000 is the estimated value of total direct economic impact on Niue’s economy by visitors.
According to a Niue Visitor Survey for the months of April to September 2019 by the Auckland University of Technology, there are an estimated 10 thousand number of visitors and $1,428 spent per visit which totals $14,280,000.
It states that each visitor spends on average a total of NZ$111 per day while in Niue.
The survey highlighted that the most appealing aspects for visitors were the environment and cleanliness, activities and attractions and the friendliness of the local people.
The least appealing aspects are the Public services, facilities and infrastructure particularly the poor road conditions, lack of public transport and slow internet connection.
Food and beverages were also highlighted as the least appealing as most visitors surveyed stated they would like to see more local food and cuisines offered on the menu.
Majority of visitors stated that they heard about Niue through family and friends.