Strong wind warning in force with more rain expected for the week

The current rainfall and windy conditions we’re experiencing is a sign of the impacts of climate change according to the Niue Met Office.
This month is traditionally our winter or dry season but we are seeing more rain and gusty winds.
A strong wind warning remains in force both for the land areas and Niue waters. Damaging heavy swell warning is now in force for Niue coastal areas and Niue waters.
Tropical depressions outside of the cyclone season are now a frequent occurrence in the region.
For instance, in September 2018 with Tropical cyclone Liua in September in the Solomon Islands and Tropical Cyclone Ann in May this year in Solomon Island and Australia and now we’re seeing another tropical depression still active near Rotuma but is not intensifying.
Currently for Niue, a high pressure system together with a low pressure system to the far south of Niue generates and directs damaging heavy southerly swells and strong winds towards Niue.
Meanwhile, a trough of low pressure with associated cloud and rain affects Niue. Forecast to midnight tomorrow for Niue: Southeast winds with average speed of 50km/hr. Expect sea flooding of coastal areas especially during high tides. Periods of rain, heavy at times and few thunderstorms. Further outlook: Rain easing to showers. Swells gradually abating.