Niue Primary School holds mufti day in style
It was a sea of colors as Niue Primary School held their “Mufti Day with a Difference” today
It was a sea of colors as Niue Primary School held their “Mufti Day with a Difference” today
8 applications have been received for the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship
A group of 4 students and 2 teachers from Niue High School are currently in Japan as part of the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths” program
The school noted there was a lower pass rate for 2024 across the three levels.
The boys dominated this year at the Niue Primary school prize giving with the top…
In an all girls top three line-up, Nivelosa Hekau from Alofi North claimed Dux, Soimahele…
Six locals have been awarded with a Manaaki Scholarship from the New Zealand High Commission
“This is the first book in a series, there will be one for Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu and Fiji but Niue is first to celebrate your 50th,” Riley said.
Teachers on the island celebrated Teachers Day last Friday at the Niue High School hall with the theme “Valuing Teachers voice towards a new social contract for Education”
Porter is in Niue for first time and has been enjoying every moment plans to make more trips in the future