Governor General Dame Cindy Kiro delivered Speech from the Throne at Fale Fono II

Two hours after arriving in Niue this afternoon, Her Excellency Rt. Hon. Dame Cindy Kiro delivered the Speech from the Throne to the members of the Niue Assembly and invited guests including members of the Judiciary, Village Council representatives, High Commissioners of New Zealand and Australia and heads of government agencies. Also present in Chambers today was the Ulu o Tokelau Hon. Faipule Petelo Alapati Tavite who was the first dignitary to arrive on Monday this week.

In a first ever, the Chambers of the Niue Assembly were temporarily made the King’s Chambers for the speech. Names of the villages in front of the seats of the Assembly members were covered up just for today’s event.  The spouses or guest of the members sat where they would normally sit.

The Niue Assembly Chambers temporarily turned into the King’s Chambers for the Speech from the Throne

The rain eased for a short while when the Governor General was welcomed outside the chambers by a Ui (traditional welcome call) performed by Assemblyman from Liku Mr Logopati Seumanu. Her Excellency was met by Speaker of the Assembly Hon. Hima Douglas and Clerk to Assembly Mrs Mellisa Talagi-Douglas.

Guests inside stood as she walked towards the Vice Regal Chair from which she delivered the speech. Once seated, Her Excellency called upon the Clerk “Madam Clerk, please summon the Members of the Niue Assembly”.

In a procession led by the Acting Sergeant-at-Arms with the Mace followed by the Clerk and Assistant Clerk Mrs Dewi Okesene followed by the Speaker and Prime Minister Dalton Tagelagi, followed by ministers and members of the Assembly.

The members sat on seats donated by the People’s Republic of China in July this year, facing the governor general. When all members were seated, Prime Minister Dalton Tagelagi stood and handed the speech to Her Excellency.

Her Excellency started by acknowledging the privilege and honour to be the first Governor General to deliver the Speech from the Throne and to sit in the Vice Regal Chair, which was gifted to the Niue Assembly the New Zealand Speaker Hon. Gerry Brownlee in April this year. The Vice-Regal Chair is reserved only for members of the royal family.

The speech acknowledged the leaders of the past and the significant strides Niue has made in building itself a nation over the past fifty years. There was recognition for the efforts Niue has made towards protecting its ocean space and the how important it is to protect the environment.

Work towards improving and health and education were recognized and twice mentioned support for mental health.

These were some of the key priorities that Niue has placed in its vision of Niue Ko e Kaina, Niue our home building on from the current National Strategic Plan 2016-2026.

At the end of the 15 minute speech, Her Excellency Dame Cindy Kiro handed the speech to the Speaker of the Assembly Hima Douglas as the guests in the King’s Chambers applauded.

The Speaker then proceeded with introductions of the members of the Assembly after which the Deputy Secretary of Government Mrs Gaylene Tasmania made introductions with the Heads of Government agencies seated around the chambers.

The Speech from the throne was televised live on TV Niue and on Radio Sunshine and live streamed on social media.

A small reception was held after for the guests. Meanwhile, heavy rain continues and same conditions are forecasted for tomorrow when the island will officially mark 50 years of self-government with the flag-raising ceremony starting at 10am at the Hanan International Airport carpark. The recently completed airport upgrade funded by the New Zealand government in a $40 million dollar project, officially opened by Prime Minister Christopher Luxon in June this year.

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