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50th Commemoration will go as planned despite bad weather this morning

Commemoration of Niue’s 50th Constitution will go as planned today -October 19, 2024 despite heavy rain and thunderstrom early this morning.

The scheduled event was postponed twice this morning, will take place at the Hanan International Airport in Fonuakula where hundreds will gather from all over the world to mark the special occassion.

According to NDMO’s update at 6am this morning on their official Facebook page, we experienced rain yesterday. As predicted with the thunderstorms and lightning and heavy rain as this is due to the trough of low pressure affecting Niue.

The heavy rainfall is expected over the next few hours and easing later according to their post.

The scheduled event will now take place at 1pm as memebers of the public alongside invited guest are kindly reminded to be seated by 11:30am-12pm.

Weather has cleared now as the island anticipates a very significant day as a nation.

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