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Pasifika Media Awards launched by PM

Image Credit-SPREP

Niue Prime Minister-Hon. Dalton Tagelagi last week launched the new Vision Pasifika Media Awards facilitated by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP). 

The launch was held last week during the 7th Pacific Media Summit.

Tagelagi said Niue is the perfect setting to launch this Media Award, against a beautiful backdrop of his island home that sits within our Pacific Ocean that we actively work towards preserving.

SPREP has  been running a media award programme since 2009 to acknowledge environmental news content.

The Vision Pasifika Media awards focuses on pollution, namely plastic pollution and waste. 

The awards will recognise environmental news content reporting across the Pacific Island region with this year’s theme Cleaner Pacific from Television, radio production, online platforms, print media, and from tertiary students  studying Journalism. 

Submissions are now open for Pacific Island journalists in any of the SPREP Island member countries or territories from the 23rd September 2024 until April 2025.

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