Members Assisting Ministers role ends at the end of this month

Prime Minister Dalton Tagelagi in his statement said that the government has heard the voice of the people in the outcome of the public referendum and called on the people to support the efforts of the government. 

The Fono Ekepule is sitting today. This is the first sitting of the Niue Assembly since the public referendum last month.

Prime Minister Dalton Tagelagi in a statement said that the government has heard the voice of the people in the outcome of the public referendum and called on the people to support the efforts of the government. 

Prime minister Tagelagi announced also that the position of Members assisting Ministers will cease to exist at the end of this month. 

He explained that a bill is ready to be tabled in the Fono Ekepule to remove the roles of MAMs contained in the Civil List Act. 

Members of the Fono Ekepule shared their views on the outcome of the public referendum and the reasons people shared with them about their concerns. 

With many members saying that the people in general felt that there was very little information available for the public to make an informed decision. 

Of the four proposed changes to the constitution, the public rejected the proposed amendments to increase the number of the Cabinet from 4 to 6 and to extend the term of the Assembly from 3 to 4 years. 

While the members of the Assembly today dissect the outcome of the public referendum, members also acknowledge that there are lessons learned from this exercise. 

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