First Ever 2023 Pacific Media Freedom Index Report Launched

Robert who founded the Solomon’ Business magazine in 2015 said the report is significant because it was done by Pacific islanders, for Pacific Islanders.

Image-Pacific Freedom Forum Facebook page

The first ever 2023 Pacific Media Freedom Index Report titled For Us, By Us, About us was launched on Monday at the 7th Pacific Media Summit here in  Niue. 

BCN News spoke with the Pacific Freedom Forum Chair-Robert Iroga  who shared more about the Report findings.

PFF Chair-Robert Iroga (first from left) during the Report launch on Monday in Matavai

The 2023 Pacific Media Freedom Index Report was compiled from a survey from 73 Journalists, media executives and owners from across the region. 

Pacific Freedom Forum chair-Robert Iroga shared more about the role of the forum

Robert who founded the Solomon’ Business magazine in 2015 said the report is significant because it was done by Pacific islanders, for Pacific Islanders.

According to the reports findings, Financial constraints was the biggest threat to Pacific Media Freedoms and cultural sensitivity.

Robert said one of the key areas of discussions he is looking forward to during the Pacific Media Summit is on the issues of Climate Change  in the Pacific and how to report on it as the Media’s Voice is important when it comes to this issues.

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