Blue Economy Workshop focused on Niue’s Integrated Ocean management
One of the objective and expected outcomes of the workshop is to have a more consolidated overview of Niue’s initiatives which have already contributed to a Blue economy and what priority can be taken forward

A one day Inception Workshop on Niue’s Integrated Ocean management on the Blue Economy Strategy for Niue was held at the Matavai Resort last week.
A three member team from the UNDP’s Environment and Climate Change office in Samoa are on the island this week conducting a workshop on Innovative and Sustainable Policy and Digital Solutions to Enhanced Food and Livelihood Security in Niue.
No stranger to Niue, the team’s Senior Technical Advisor- Francois Martel is happy to be back on the rock.

Blue Economy is defined as the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of the ocean ecosystem.
One of the objective and expected outcomes of the workshop is to have a more consolidated overview of Niue’s initiatives which have already contributed to a Blue economy and what priority can be taken forward.
The core of the Project involves initiating and delivering actionable strategies for digitization and the Blue Economy to positively impact agri-food systems, income and nutrition in Niue. Participants from the various stakeholders were part of the session.