Premier call on everyone to turn up to vote in the public referendum

The Premier Hon. Dalton Tagelagi is calling on the people not to be complacent and to turn up to vote in the public referendum come August 31st on the proposed 4 constitutional amendment bills. Last week he spoke to BCN News about the amendments and responded to questions that have been heard from those who attended the public meetings with the Constitution Review Committee.

Niue Premier-Hon. Dalton Tagelagi

The Premier Hon. Dalton Tagelagi is calling on the people not to be complacent and to turn up to vote in the public referendum come August 31st on the proposed 4 constitutional amendment bills. Last week he spoke to BCN News about the amendments and responded to questions that have been heard from those who attended the public meetings with the Constitution Review Committee.

Premier Tagelagi said that he wants the people to turn up during the public referendum to cast their votes whether that is to support the changes or not but not to be complacent and turn up to vote.

Premier Tagelagi was asked to comment on some of the reactions and concerns raised at public meetings with the Constitution Review committee on the amendment to increase the number of Cabinet from 4 to 6 with people wanting to know if the government will remove the requirement for the Members assisting ministers if there is an increase to Cabinet.

Premier Tagelagi said that the draft bills to repeal the MAMs from the Civil list are ready should the vote be successful

On the public’s concerns raised about extending the term of the Assembly from 3 to 4 years, that perhaps the government ought to return to the 5 day working week if they are not able to complete their work in the 3 year term, Premier Tagelagi said that there are merits to extending the term but reviewing the four-day working week is something he is always thinking about.

Premier Tagelagi told BCN News that he is always thinking about the health of the people and given our small population and the multitude of tasks that falls on the few, he does not want our young people to burn out before it is time for them to take over in leadership roles, but the government may have to return to a 5 day week.

The four constitution amendment bills will be returned to the Fono Ekepulefor the third reading on Wednesday this week where they will also hear the report from the Constitution Review Committee about their public consultations over the past three months.

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