Official Logo for 50th Anniversary presented

The approved motto that accompanies the logo is to Stand firm, secure and treasure our Niue

Last week the Minister for the Ministry of Social Services- Hon. Sonya Talagi in a media statement presented the official logo commemorating the 50th Anniversary for the Niue Constitution.

To commemorate this significant occasion, a logo has been designed to highlight and celebrate Niue’s 50 years of self-government.

Consulting with various officials and elders within the community, various mottos were proposed for Cabinet’s consideration.

The approved motto that accompanies the logo is to “”Stand firm, secure and treasure our Niue”

The logo may be used by government departments, agencies, community organizations, and partners involved in official activities related to the 50th Anniversary. 

The logo must not be sold for profit. Authorization to use the logo requires prior approval from the Office of the Minister for Social Services at Fale Fono II.

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