Members Assisting Ministers to be Rein-stated

Image Credit: Niue Legislative Assembly Department

The government this morning announced that the positions of the members assisting ministers (MAM) which were suspended at the end of the last financial year in June this year will be re-instated. 

In a press statement, it said Premier-Hon. Dalton Tagelagi is pleased to announce the re-engagement of the Members Assisting the Ministers for the Ministry of Central Agencies and Commercial Agencies, Social Services, Infrastructure and Finance, and Natural Resources.

Mr. Muiakituki Ricky Makani, MP for Tamakautoga – MAM for Infrastructure

Ms. Kahealani Sinahemana Hekau, Common Roll Member – MAM for Central Agencies

Mrs. Maureen Melekitama, MP for Mutalau – MAM for Social Services

Mr. Emani Fakaotimana-Lui, Common Roll Member – MAM for Natural Resources

The MAMs will be re-engaged from the 12th August 2024 to the 31st December 2024.  

In an interview two weeks ago with Midday News Premier Dalton Tagelagi said that if the people support the constitutional amendment bill to increase the number of Cabinet from 4 to 6, then the Civil List law which allows for the MAMs will be changed and the MAMs will no longer be. 

Premier Tagelagi in the press statement extended on behalf of the Cabinet its appreciation to the MAMs for their dedication and significant contributions to the Ministers. 

The MAMs will be re-engaged from the 12th August 2024 to the 31st December 2024.  

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