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Kendras Kids Store Opens

Kendras Kollections expanded their business by officially opening another store-Kendra Kids two weeks ago selling a wide variety of items located  by the roadside on your drive to Alofi South.

Kendras Kids Executive Manager-Shontelle Strickland said since their opening last week,  the public’s response has been positive, introducing something new to the market.

The store sells a a wide variety of candies, gummies, snacks, ice cream, milkshakes,sugar free items and kids educational products and toys amongst others.

The shop boasts a kids play area with a  spacious colorful sitting area

There are plans to have movie nights with kids and the shop is expecting a popcorn machine to be shipped in by this month.

Customers have the freedom to pick from the varieties of candies and are also given a health information leaflet once they pay. 

Kendras Kids is open from Monday to Sundays with a staff of three mending the shop.

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