Community workshop focuses on Developing tailored Climate and Ocean products
The main objective of the workshop is to determine the agricultural and fisheries stakeholders and community climate and ocean information needs and identify adaptation and coping mechanisms for weekly to seasonal climate and ocean extremes.
A Niue Agriculture and Fisheries Stakeholders and Community workshop on developing tailored Climate and Ocean products was held last week at the Millennium Hall. The workshop was well attended by members and representatives from the different villages.
Manager of the Climate and Oceans Support Program in the Pacific under the Bureau of Meteorology Australia-Celine Becker shares more on what her organization does.
Celine Becker-Manager-COSPPac
She also emphasized the importance of traditional practices and knowledge for climate and oceans for the people of Niue.
The main objective of the workshop is to determine the agricultural and fisheries stakeholders and community climate and ocean information needs and identify adaptation and coping mechanisms for weekly to seasonal climate and ocean extremes.