Appointments of Board Members

In May this year the Cabinet re-appointed and appointed new members to some of its statutory and state owned enterprises board of directors. 

In May this year the Cabinet re-appointed and appointed new members to some of its statutory and state owned enterprises board of directors. 

For the Telecom Board, Avi Rubin and Dess Sioneholo were re-appointed and the news members are Elizabeth Bestgen, Charles Ioane and Julie Funaki. Two new appointments of ex-officios to the Telecom Board include Taihia Hetutu from the Department of Utilities and a representative from Treasury. 

For the government’s Tenders Board, the members are John Asanso, Julie Talagi, Michelle Marsh, Taihia Hetutu and Dick Tomailuga and two ex-officios, one representative from Treasury and an Advisor or Govt Regulator. 

For the Liquor Board, Desmond Hipa is re-appointed, other members of the Liquor Board include Rev. Maria Lagiono, John Asanso, Daniel Makaia, Rupina Morrissey and Sioneheke Leolahi with one ex-officio a representative from Treasury. 

For the Price Control Board, the members appointed by the Cabinet are Dempster Tomailuga, Micah Fuhihiu, Emi Hipa, Ofania Ikiua, Shontell Strickland, Jiare Rigamoto with one ex-officio, a representative from Treasury.

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