Tuesday’s Road work Update
Please for Final layer seal Areas affected Residents, make arrangements to park your vehicles on the other side of the Road Construction, where its safe to access and avoid crossing the new seal roads.

And on road work today, the final layering of seal in PALIATI Area from NIUE PRIMARY SCHOOL road To TUILA JUNCTION will continue today with Half Road the road closed.
There will be NO ACCESS at the Hakupu/ Paliati Junction, All traffic will be detoured through LALOKAFIKA Road to Kaimiti, Traffic control will be in place.
Final layer seal will continue at NIUE PRIMARY SCHOOL Road with Half Road Closed.
Continue of the final Layer seal at NIUE PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING CAR PARK, car park closed until further notice.
Street lights installation and cable trenching in Alofi North will continue with road side filling in Vaiea to Hakupu Village.
Please for Final layer seal Areas affected Residents, make arrangements to park your vehicles on the other side of the Road Construction, where its safe to access and avoid crossing the new seal roads.
All road users are asked to Avoid these Areas, slow down and be aware of heavy machinery operating.
Call 4297 or 4644 for any further inquiries.
Follow our BCN Facebook page for all our daily road work update.