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Malau House is champion of NPS Sports Day

The Niue Primary School held its Cultural Sports Day last Friday at the Paliati Grounds. 

It was a hype of activities as Parents, families, and friends showed up in numbers to support their children from Years 1-6.

Here are the results for the Champions from Year Levels – Year 1-6

Yr 1 Girls- Amberlette Mautam

Yr 1 Boys- Otis Takamahina

Yr2 Girls-Ameera Mulia

Yr 2 Boys- Capella Asanso

Yr 3 Girls-Talei Tatui

Yr 3 Boys- Longueval Puheke

Yr 4 Girls- Grace Waqa

Yr 4 Boys-Poe Litaio

YR 5 Girls- Shiloh Schaumkel

Yr 5 Boys- Asher Rex

Yr 6 Girls-Bianca Douglas

Yr 6 Boys- Tuputoga Motufoou

The Champion for the Olo Fua Niu for the Girls Category went to Tilly Fuhiniu and the Champion Ta Tika for the Boys Category went to Errom Matagiaga.

The overall Champion House for 2024 went to Malau and the Champion House for Marching went to Hahave.

You can check out all the images captured on our BCN Facebook page here

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