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Documentary on Niue’s Hepatitis Elimination Programme Launched

A   documentary based on the Hepatitis Elimination Programme on the island aired last night Sunday-July 28 on TV Niue’s Channel 1 marking World Hepatitis Day. 

A film crew was on the island at the beginning of this year documenting the elimination program.

Since 2019, a New-Zealand based viral hepatitis elimination project and non-governmental organization known as Cure-A-Country has been working with the Niue health department to achieve its goal of curing a nation of viral hepatitis.

Earlier this month, in a one-to-one interview with BCN News-WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific Dr. Saia Piukala explained the process of recognising disease elimination programmes and activities of member countries. 

WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific Dr. Saia Piukala

Earlier this year, Cure -A -Country Founder and Hepatitis C survivor- Hazel Heal said they wanted to distribute the film worldwide and to tell the story about how Niue has set an example that can save lives all over the world.

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