Department of Environment to Develop new Waste Management Strategy

The Environment Department will be resuming its radio programme over the coming weeks to keep the public informed of the different projects and activities such as waste management.

The Environment Department is in the process of public consultations to develop a new Waste Management Strategy for the island. The firm of Tolkin and Taylor has been engaged to help design the new strategy. 

The Director of Environment Haden Talagi told BCN News that the last waste management strategy from 2010-2015 was not implemented because of the lack of funding among other challenges but from that experience, the department has learned the lessons to ensure the new strategy will be responsive to Niues waste management needs. 

Some of the pressing concerns raised in the consultations with community stakeholders and government agencies include the status of the derelict cars littered around people’s homes and some dumped in the bush. 

Talagi said that this is another project of the Environment Department and they will start collecting the old vehicles over the coming months

Haden Talagi said that it is everyone’s responsibility to manage and control waste on the island and the role of the Department of Environment is to mobilise resources and secure funding to address issues like waste 

The Environment Department will be resuming its radio programme over the coming weeks to keep the public informed of the different projects and activities such as waste management.

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