Whales Return to the Rock

The deep, pristine, tropical waters of Niue and its rich feeding grounds make Niue an appealing stop for the whales on their epic journey south along what is known as the ‘humpback highway.’

Niue Whales near the coast. Image Credit: Niue Tourism

In a Media statement last Thursday, Niue Tourism has confirmed the first sighting of migratory Oceania humpback whales to Niue. 

This much anticipated annual arrival marks another early start to the season that runs from July-October. Mother nature seems to be completely in sync as this was the exact dates of the first sightings with last year.

During this time, pods of humpbacks arrive to calve and nurse their young in the sheltered sanctuary of Niue. 

Tourism Director Micah Fuhiniu-Viviani says the arrival of the humpback whales has also been a highly anticipated season for locals and visitors alike and despite this familiarity always feels exciting when they are first sighted

The deep, pristine, tropical waters of Niue and its rich feeding grounds make Niue an appealing stop for the whales on their epic journey south along what is known as the ‘humpback highway.’

Meanwhile Niue Tourism specialist-Sarah Porter took her second solar plunge for Niue in Greenland last week.

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