Television Niue

Niue Girls Brigade holds Yam Feast Event

The Niue Girls Brigade held a Yam Feast event at the Millennium Hall last Friday. 

Niue Girls Brigade Commissioner-Becky’s Tauasi said it’s a celebration and blessing of the Ufi.

There were about eleven stations from around the island  that presented their yam harvest at the event.
Beckys Tauasi -National Commissioner of Girls Niue Brigade

The event is part of a Niue Meteorological Service project that is focused on observing traditional  knowledge of weather and climate. 

The Yam Monitoring program started in 2019 with the Community Based Early Warning Systems.
Robert Togiamana-Niue Met Service Traditional Knowledge Advisor

The Niue Girls Brigade has about 170 members ranging from the age of 4 to 7 years around the island.

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