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Niue High School’s first Vagahau Niue speech competition for the year

Year 10 speech competitors after their speeches at Paliati hall

Niue High School hosted its first Vagahau Niue speech competition for the year yesterday morning. 

Taking place at the Paliati hall, selected students from Years 10, 11 and 12 were able to deliver their speeches based upon the topic for their year levels. 

The MC for the programme of the day was Deputy Head Prefect Esthereena Tonga. Representing the Minister of Education was Mutalau MP Maureen Melekitama who shared a few words of welcome and encouragement.

She shared the importance of Vagahau Niue and the reality of English being predominantly spoken a lot more amongst our younger generation today. She urges the young students to hold strong to the Vagahau Niue, the essence of a Niue person, before it is too late.

For the Year 10 students, their speeches were based on the topic Ko e Lologo Niue. There were a total of 13 students who delivered their speeches. 

Taking first place overall was Chamelia Siakimotu, second place went to Summer Lapoisi and third place went to Talitotonu Tohovaka. 

For the Year 11 students, the topic was on Niue, Haaku Kaina and there were 8 competitors. 

First place went to Aaron Tukutama, second place went to Bini Mougavalu and third place went to Sulia Kalapu. 

For Year 12, they spoke on the topic of Fakakite Manatu. There were also 8 competitors from this year level. 

First place winner went to Lionel Pulini, second place to Andahlin Pita and third place Aelani Fakamautama. 

Head of Vagahau Niue Department Nafine Mautama says that the Years 7, 8 and 9 speech competition will be taking place next term.

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