The Falepipi he Mafola Group or otherwise known as the House of Peace launched their book titled Fenoga Taoga Niue I Aotearoa – Niue Heritage Journey in Aotearoa at the beginning of this month in Niue.
Group Manager-Molly Pihigia says the reason the publication came into existence was because they wanted to document and capture the group’s journey leading up to their 30th Anniversary.
“It was based on the huge collection of art works made by members of the group past and present that have been stored in my house for almost 30 years,” she said.

Pihigia says the book has been 30 years in the making as the stories shared, projects and works created, have been part of their Falepipi he Mafola group’s journey.
She said it took about two years to review, edit and translate the book in English and Vagahau Niue.
She said challenges during the book compiling was that some of it’s members had passed away, navigating the self-publishing side of things and sourcing funds, however they were able to get the necessary support to address this.
“We also worked with photographer- Toaki Okano on capturing portraits of the members and the group’s 30 years of work, gathering all of the relevant archival images; and then facilitating with the designers on the printing of the book, which took approximately two years.” she said.
The book is 500 pages long with 49 contributors ranging from the elders in the ‘Words of Wisdom’ section (the oldest, Motufuluhi Heketoa, was 97 years old); to the young leaders and youth section (the youngest, Monique Osikai, is 8 years old).
Pihigia added the book is a legacy that holds numerous Niuean heritage artforms for all Niuean’s and be a tāoga or treasure that our future generations can celebrate and be proud of their Niuean culture and heritage. It is also a book that highlights Niuean artforms on an international craft and artisan level.
The book was officially launched in Tuapa earlier this month before a later launch is scheduled in Auckland, Aotearoa planned for next month.
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the book you can contact Molly Pihigia via email on There is a special price of $80 for the Niuean community and for others it will cost $120.00.

Group Background:
Falepipi he Mafola Niuean Handcraft Group Inc is a not for profit organization contributing to the wellbeing of families, and to inspire and promote Niuean Heritage Arts in Aotearoa.
The group was set up on the 1st of April 1993 and celebrated their 30th anniversary on the 1st of April 2023 with the opening of their exhibition at Māngere Arts Center Ngā Tohu o Uenuku in Auckland that closed on the 20th of May, 2023. The exhibition is called Fenoga Taoga Niue I Aotearoa – Niue Heritage Journey in Aotearoa and at the moment is currently on tour and showing at Pātaka Art and Museum in Porirua, Wellington, until the 11th of February, 2024.