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Niue Seventh Day Adventist Church Launches Gospel Album

The Niue Seventh Day Adventist Church members during one of their choir rehearsals. (Image Credit: Niue SDA)

If you are looking for some inspiring songs this festive season, then you might want to get a copy of the Niue Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church latest Gospel Album titled-“It Wont Be Long.”

SDA Youth Leader-Fonokalafi Feaomoeata says they’ve been preparing for a few months now and have finally launched the album last month.

SDA Youth Leader-Fonokalafi Feaomoeata

“The pandemic was a challenge for all of us but we are thankful to God for bringing us through with the Album launch now a reality. ” he said.

About 20 members of the SDA church choir were involved in the recording.

The album consists of 15 songs that are all in Vagahau Niue and the church hopes they can spread the gospel through their music.

The album can be purchased for $30 and you can directly reach out to the Niue SDA church for a copy.      

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