Television Niue

Bustling morning for Makefu for their 28th annual village showday

Another year with another beautiful sunny day welcomed the 28th annual village showday for Makefu Falekaho-Atua last Saturday. 

Locals and tourists were already seen scattered about the village green, hovering over the stalls to get their first take of food for the day ranging from barbecue, to umu and to delicious desserts. Compared to last year, there were alot more visitors to the Makefu village showday for this year. 

An impressive display of agricultural produce highlighted the festivities for the day, and although fewer this year compared to previous years, the arts and handcrafts by the women and men were also beautifully displayed. 

The formal part of the programme began just after 8am. The Master of Ceremony was by Ernie Tohovaka. 

Speeches were given by a few officials and diplomats including Makefu MP Tofua Puletama, Australia High Commissioner Louise Ellerton, NZ High Commissioner Helen Tunnah, Common Roll Member Hon. Sinahemana Hekau, Makefu Village Council Chair Etaena Poihega, Premier Hon. Dalton Tagelagi and Minister of Social Services Hon. Sonya Talagi who officially opened the showday. 

Makefu MP Tofua Puletama and Makefu VC Chair Etaena Poihega both expressed their appreciation and gratitude to everyone for their support to the village of Makefu, especially for the Ridge to Reef Project which has funded $20,000 to help the village with its projects and coastal areas. 

The Makefu’s Climate Justice and Advocacy Project was also on display throughout the day. The theme “A Gendered Approach to Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change and Gender Based Violence in Niue” which was funded by the United Nations (UN) Women in 2020. 

After the formal part of the program was concluded, the showday commenced with the uga (coconut crab) racing. This is Makefu’s prestigious and well-known activity that attracts the attention of many to watch and participate. Categories ranged from small ugas, big ugas and ugas representing ethnic groups. 

Followed after the uga races was the traditional ta tika of the men and the olo fua niu (coconut bowling) of the women. Categories included primary school, high school and open men and women. 

The events ended with a Champ of Champions. Performances from the youth and women concluded the festivities for the day. 

Next on the Annual Village Showdays Calendar for this year is Hakupu which is planned to take place early next month of June.

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