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NRL Game 2: Tafiti 44-18 takes victory over Motu

Motu (in yellow) and Tafiti (in blue) | Photo credits: Toke Huga Talagi Photography/Facebook

Last Saturday, Motu and Tafiti battled out their second rugby league game at the Niue High School Grounds. A tough challenge for both teams but the champions of the day were left to Tafiti with a whopping 44 to 18 for Motu.

According to Niue Rugby League President Zack Smith, “Game 2 was a good outcome injury wise. Motu had a couple minor injuries in the first 10 mins so the boys struggled to play a full game with only one reserve.” 

Zack said it was a well deserved win for Tafiti. 

The date for Motu v Tafiti third game is yet to be confirmed. However, training resumed yesterday in preparation for the third game, said Zack.

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