Another day in paradise as families and friends gather at the Niue High School fields to watch the final touch tournament of the Under-21 (U21) and Masters mixed grades.
A total of 10 teams participated in the U21 mixed which were divided into Pool A (MutaBlues, Tama-Ava, Tuapa, HAKUPU GenZ and Alofi Gunners), and Pool B (Vaiea, Young Mako, Black Monarchy, Lakepa and Liku).
The teams that made the U21 semi-finals were Tuapa, Tama-Ava, Black Monarchy, and Vaiea. Topping the finals and taking first place was Tuapa, second place went to Tama-Ava, and coming in third was Black Monarchy from Hakupu.
There were 6 teams for the Masters mixed. Pool A included Mako Legends, Tuapa Tanks, and MutaBlues from Mutalau. Pool B were Tama-Ava, HUITANU MarStarz from Hakupu, and Alofi Titans.
A tough game between Alofi’s Mako Legends and MutaBlues for the Masters finals almost had both teams in a draw. However, taking the cup was Mako Legends scoring 3 – 2 MutaBlues.
Central organiser Lynsey Talagi of the Niue Island Touch Association told BCN news that it was probably MutaBlues first time making the Masters finals, while Tuapa continues to take a place as the top three.
The 4-week touch tournament has now concluded.
[Picture above: from left is Tuapa first place for U21 and right is the MutaBlues second place for Masters mixed grade].