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Premier Tagelagi responds to the notice of a Vote of No Confidence tabled yesterday.

Premier Hon. Dalton Tagelagi

Premier Dalton Tagelagi told BCN News today that he would like to know the key reasons which prompted four members of the Fono Ekepule to put forth a notice for a vote of no confidence in the Cabinet yesterday.

“Firstly, my personal thoughts are why? What are the reasons? Apart from what I heard which is all to do with closing the borders but I think what is really sad about this is that is that it has lowered ourselves and the integrity of the Assembly”.

Premier Tagelagi says that invoking the motion for a vote of no confidence can be used if the country was in dire straits or the country is in turmoil

“The motion, you can use the motion if we’re in dire straits or but I don’t think it’s a good excuse just to use that just to put a vote of no confidence in Cabinet.

“I’m happy to debate, and this could be debated without the motion. We can debate on the opening and closing of borders in general in the House. By putting a no-confidence vote, not only is he is lowering ourselves as members of the Assembly but there will be questions about what is happening in Niue.

Hon. Tagelagi says that Hon. Terry Coe knows that they don’t have the numbers but this motion of no confidence in the Cabinet will raise questions from the regional and international communities as to what is happening in Niue.

“You know people will ask questions, especially from the region and international, hey what is happening with Niue? Knowing very well that he doesn’t have the numbers, it’s not a good reason, because I value the Niue Assembly very highly and this government is trying to do and working with the Speaker in trying to elevate and trying to lift the standards of our Legislative Assembly”.

Yesterday Speaker Hon. Hima Takelesi accepted the notice for a motion of no confidence from Hon. Terry Coe signed by Hon. Coe, Hon. O’love Jacobsen, Hon. Va’aiga Tukutonga and Member from Makefu Mr. Tofua Puletama.

A special meeting to hear and vote on the motion will be held on Tuesday next week at 1pm.

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