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No dates yet on the roll-out of the vaccine: Premier though wants it as soon as possible

Premier Dalton Tagelagi says that there is still no set date yet on when the vaccine against COVID 19 will be rolled out. Premier has asked that this be done this month, saying that his preference is to begin the vaccination roll out as soon as possible.

He told BCN news that he will be able to update on when this is likely to take place as soon as they have received confirmation from Wellington.

Premier Tagelagi says that the government’s preferred vaccine against COVID 19 is the Pfizer vaccine which is currently being rolled out in New Zealand.

Meanwhile the Director General of Social Services Gaylene Tasmania and Director of Health Dr. Eddie Akauola were in Wellington this week meeting with NZ government officials to discuss the logistics on the roll out of the vaccine.

When asked for comments on the progress of the Cook Islands two-way quarantine free travel (QFT) to begin on the 17 of this month, Premier Tagelagi says that he is interested in learning from the experience of the Cook Islands but he is somewhat surprised to hear that they are going ahead before vaccination. Having said that Premier says that it is the prerogative of the Cook Islands.

Premier Tagelagi says Niue’s preference is vaccination first before we can even look at two-way quarantine-free travel.

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