80 Niue High school students to sit NCEA exams this year

The NCEA exams started yesterday morning for the students of Niue High school, with the level 2 Physics exam.
According to the Niue High School NZQA Principal’s nominee Jone Cagi, 80 students will be undertaking their NCEA exams for levels 1, 2 and 3 this year.
There are two exams in a day, the morning exams starts at 9am and the afternoon exams at 2pm.
The appointed exam centre manager will supervise the exams which are being held at the lecture room at the USP campus next door to the school.
Mr Cagi said that Niue High School along with the Education department look forward to the cooperation of parents and the public to ensure that the exams are run smoothly.
The final exam will be on the 8th of December Niue time, with the Social Science paper for the year eleven students or level 1 NCEA.