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President of national sports governing body NISCGA weigh in on the NRU leadership debacle

The president of the national sports governing body Niue Island Sports and Commonwealth Games Association(NISCGA), Maru Talagi has weighed in on the leadership debacle of the Niue Rugby Union

Mr Talagi provided his comments on the issue through a letter dated 9th September. BCN also received a copy of this letter in which Mr Maru Talagi says that in his capacity as the President of the national sports governing body “I really want everyone to exercise good and common sense approach towards a solution until such time as when the Council and the new Executive is voted in come February 2021”.

Mr Talagi’s letter also quoted from the NRU constitution with reference to the legitimacy of the village clubs calling into question the validity of their membership in the NRU.

Citing the requirements under the constitution, Mr Talagi says that each of these clubs must be an incorporated body, submit a copy of its constitution, report the club officers and must submit to the NRU secretary its annual presidents and financial reports.

And according to the President of NISCGA if these requirements are not met, then there are no grounds to call a special meeting.

BCN News understands that most of the council members or clubs have not been up to date with the payments of their annual fees.

The petition calling for a special meeting by the members of the Council was delivered to the Secretary of the NRU Sidney Lui dated 4th September was to address the vacancies within the Executive of the NRU.

However, Mr MaruTalagi said in his letter that the 2018 updated NRU constitution provides that the Executive may fill any vacancy on the Executive and the person so appointed shall hold office until the next annual general meeting. He further added “I suggest that the CEO vacancy is to be decided by the Executive and the Presidency vacancy is to be deferred to the next AGM”

The former CEO was Norman Mitimeti who apparently resigned which raised concerns with the council members prompting a petition calling for a special meeting. In this petition Mr Mitimeti signed as Acting President.

BCN News was able to get a copy of the NRU 2018 updated constitution which was lodged with the Justice Department last week on the 8th of September 2020.

Questions sent to the Secretary of the Niue Rugby Union as to whether or not the special meeting will be called remain unanswered.

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