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Premier & Minister of Finance address business community at Chamber AGM

The Minister of Private Sector Development and Premier Hon. Dalton Tagelagi addressed the business community affirming the government’s commitment to the development of the private sector at the Chamber AGM on Friday last week. Speaking in front of a packed venue, he spoke about the significance of the private sector in the development of Niue and his hopes of growing the local economy.

The Minister of Finance Hon. Crossley Tatui presented on the government and private sector partnership. He introduced the government’s plans going forward starting with the mid-term review of the National Strategic plan which will culminate in a summit to be held next month.

President Sefeti Adriana in his report to the members thanked the previous Board and the staff for the work in the past year. The new Board replaces the old Board

John Kaulima was vice president, members Ida Hekesi, Coral Pasisi, Fiafia Rex, Mark Blumsky, Glen Jackson, Richard Tuhipa, Keith Papani and Esther Pavihi

He also said in this report that he is aware that some members were not happy that they missed out on the Government’s wage subsidies. He reminded everyone that even in these tough times to be kind to each other.

In presenting her report and the Annual Report of the Chamber of Commerce Acting Business Development Manager/CEO Esther Pavihi said that nine months ago, she was asked to step in after the departure of Rae Finlay former Business Development Manager/CEO to “ pop into the office a few hours a day to check emails, sign staff salaries and ensure the smooth running of the recruitment process of the new Business Development Manager/CEO”. She announced that the new BDM has just signed his contract and waiting to arrive next month.

Pavihi paid tribute to former Minister of Private Sector and the late Premier Sir Toke Talagi, by highlighting some of the key developments in the private sector during his tenure as Premier and Minister of Private Sector Development. She cited the introduction of Kiwibank Agency, EFTPOS payment system, Scenic Matavai, and the extension of the flagship resort, the introduction of the business grants scheme, the airport extension, and the introduction of the role of the Business Development Manager of the Chamber of Commerce to name a few.

“The Chamber and Sir Toke didn’t always agree on matters of economic development but that it would be remiss of us not to acknowledge the great improvements to the private sector during his tenure as Premier.”

The New Zealand High Commissioner Helen Tunnah and Deputy high Commissioner Nigel Ewels also attended the AGM.

A special Appreciation Video featuring local businesses thanked the Chamber and their donors, the Niue Government and the New Zealand government for supporting their business through the grants funding and other support programs especially over the past two years.

The new Board to drive the strategic direction of the Niue Chamber of Commerce and the private sector will still be led by a long-serving board member of 15 years Sefeti Adriana who was re-elected as President. Catherine Papani as Vice president and most of the others are new Board members in Zac Smith, Joan Viliamu, Greg Funaki, Renee Richardson, Avi Rubin who is a former president, Victoria Kalauni and John Asanso.

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