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Budgets for Infrastructure, Commercial & Trading departments

For the remaining Ministries total budget voted by the Fono Ekepule of $1,529,500 an increase of $144,000 from the actual budget spend last year.

For the ministry of Infrastructure with a total budget of $4,966,500 and increase of $2,829,277 which is to account for the inclusion of Niue Power and Civil and Quarry brought back to the Recurrent budget from the SOEs.

For the Commercial and Trading departments of Niue Tourism and Bulk Fuel there is a total expenditure budget of $5,758,000 voted by the Fono for this financial year. The Commercial and Trading departments mainly Bulk Fuel over spend more than $2 million than what was appropriated by the Fono Ekepule for the last financial year.

Last year, the Fono appropriated $$5,629,000 for Bulk Fuel but they spend in actuals $7,693,386. The Trading and Commercial departments mainly Bulk Fuel generated $5,876,395 in revenue last year and is expected to generate just over $6 million dollars in revenue for this financial year.

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