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Telecom Niue still testing out 4G network compatibility with Apple devices

Telecom Niue has been testing 4G compatibility with Apple iPhones and devices.

Niue has been using 4G for two years now however Telecom Niue has not been able to remedy the incompatibility of their 4G network with Apple devices.

iPhone users have been informed that they will need to wait for the next IOS update before their phones will work on the Telecom Niue 4G network.  iPhone users have also been advised to purchase a mobile wifi device called Mifi to browse the internet and use Telecom app to make calls.

Responding to BCN News, Telecom Niue CEO Brett Collier says currently they are still working with Apple in regard to iPhones.

“We have been testing with them and still have some bugs which we are working to resolve. I will update once these are solved and when the IOS update bundle will be released,” said Collier

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