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Television Niue

Pacific Media Network collaborates with BCN on weekly broadcast

Niueans abroad will be able to keep up to date with what’s happening on the island through a weekly live broadcast crossover program.

At the last Pacific Island News Association meeting in Auckland in February Broadcasting Corporation of Niue’s General Manager Trevor Tiakia met with the CEO of Pacific Media Network  Patrick Lino to discuss ways to improve the programming for both Radio Sunshine and Niue Ogomotu which culminated in the live crossover program on Monday afternoon.

Tiakia says that he is very pleased with these new developments for Radio Sunshine and providing new content for listeners in Niue as well as an opportunity to deliver local Niue news to a much wider audience.

The new program will be aired live on Mondays from 4pm- until 6am on Tuesday mornings.

Radio Sunshine will broadcast live the main local news items to over 20,000 Niuean listeners in NZ, Australia and countries in the northern hemisphere where Niueans listen to Radio Niue Ogomotu program.

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